A few weeks ago, I revisited a question I answered for one of my classes while I was at uni; " Is it too early to claim an Asian century ". The essay focused on the decline of American influence in the global order in recent years, and attempted to predict what would become of the world order. I predicted that the USA would " still remain an influential actor in the International stage as its legacy of pursuing common global goals will ensure that other nations continue to seek its help; perhaps not as a ruler, but as a leader.". Sadly, however, it seems that with the election of Trump into the oval office, the USA has lost a lot of its capability to lead the world order. With the recent G20 summit, President Trump's inexperience, limited capabilities and obsessive need to be the centre of attention wherever he goes, left him- and with him the USA- isolated in a conference where most countries involved where ready to follow the US and ready to put pressure ...
Posting My World Views in Hopes of Changing the World.