Nationalism, in simple terms, is a sense of pride and identity to one's own nation, whether it'd be where you are born and have lived or where your family heritage comes from. This pride and identity have always played a significant part in human history; our ideologies, our social life, our economy are always in the interest of making ourselves- and our nation- proud. However as we have seen, time and time again in history this pride has found its way into our political and social ideologies, developing that sense of pride into hateful discrimination- usually against a minority group. obtained from The 20th century was marked by nationalism, 2 major global conflicts leaving millions dead and countless other 'smaller' scale wars left the world in a state of chaos and shambles. Sadly, it looks like we are bound to repeat the mistakes made in the previous century as we seem to be foolishl...
Posting My World Views in Hopes of Changing the World.