Realism and Liberalism are the two most popular schools of thought in International Relations, these two philosophies get thrown around a lot when discussing political issues, however, many a times these two schools of thought get misinterpreted and used in the wrong context. Keeping in mind that these two philosophies are both as valid as each other, neither is wrong and both are valid political philosophies. Lets Start with Realism; International organizations from a realist perspective Realism Is a view of international politics that portrays the international structure as anarchical, that is, an anarchic environment in which there is no world government to impose structure and stability, states therefore engage in self-help behaviour to ensure their longevity. Its anarchical nature heightens the interaction between states and competing interests, and this heightened interaction has the potential to scale into military conflict. The Term International Organiza...
Posting My World Views in Hopes of Changing the World.