Realism and Liberalism
are the two most popular schools of thought in International Relations, these
two philosophies get thrown around a lot when discussing political issues,
however, many a times these two schools of thought get misinterpreted and used
in the wrong context.
Keeping in mind that
these two philosophies are both as valid as each other, neither is wrong and
both are valid political philosophies. Lets Start with Realism;
International organizations from a realist
Realism Is a view of international politics
that portrays the international structure as anarchical, that is, an anarchic
environment in which there is no world government to impose structure and
stability, states therefore engage in self-help behaviour to ensure their
longevity. Its anarchical nature heightens the interaction between states and
competing interests, and this heightened interaction has the potential to scale
into military conflict.
The Term International Organizations from a
realist perspective refers to the patters of order that can arise in this
anarchical state, from the interaction between great powers and their
self-interest. The Realist perspective argues that international co-operation
occurs under only 3 circumstances; Security Alliances, Polarity and Hegemonic
Polarity refers to the relative distribution of capabilities in the
international system during a particular time period. There are multiple types
of Polarity that can occur in the international system and each system of
polarity leads to different forms of IO’s and global governance;
· Multipolar
system of International Governance
· Bipolar
System of International Governance
· Unipolar
System of International Governance- the Contemporary International Order, in
which the US became the main actor after the Cold war.
Hegemonic Stability occurs when a predominant state uses its greater capabilities
to shape international politics for the promotion of order, stability and
co-operation, most of the IGOs(International Government Organisations) that
have help establish contemporary international co-operation can be traced back
to American Hegemony post-World War II.
Strengths and weaknesses
Realism serves as a corrective for the
contemporary liberal ideals and goals that tend to fail to acknowledge the
relative power that is required between states to support these ideals. However
Realism itself fails to acknowledge the importance of NSA’s(Non-State Actors) and fails to acknowledge the social construction
of the international scene because of its rationalist ideals.
Classic Liberal Internationalism and Global
Liberalism Is a view of
international politics that can be described as the opposite of realism.
Liberal internationalism is more optimistic between interstate interactions and
posits a zone of peace and cooperation amongst states. Classic Liberal
Internationalism ideology includes free trades, self-determination, and
non-intervention in the matters of other states.
Liberal Internationalism did not emerge as a
theory of International Relations; rather, it evolved from an ideology into an
analytical framework, meaning that Internationalism has always been a part of
the global governance, although it was not part of the international scene. The
nineteenth century is where liberalism began to take centre stage, as it
develops in some countries as a national political movement, it is here that
the ideology of 'free trade brings on cooperation between states' emerges.
Early twentieth century internationalism interacted more with international
organisations bringing forth the creation of IOs(International Organisations)
and the proactive welfare state served as a model for international
Strengths and weaknesses
With the removal of certain barriers of
trade, spread of democracy, and the emergence of IOs- all of which are
significant parts of the Liberalist ideology- Liberalism became less of an
ideology and more of a reality. Liberalism receives criticism, however, mostly
in relation as to how do liberal internationalists achieve these goals? As they
all have the shared belief in international progress but they have different
approaches to reaching said goal.
Realism and Liberal internationalism are perhaps
the most accepted schools of thought in IR. Both draw their analysis from the
philosophical understanding of human nature. It is hard to argue that one is
better than the other as that comes down to personal opinion, however, it is
hard to deny that the analytical nature of these two theories have
allowed us great understanding and possibly changed the way we look at IO and
global governance
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